
as part of an ongoing series titled Oceans Apart, the installation investigates the relationship between borders and identity. the conflicting positions of the north and south coasts of the island are inverted and folded, allowing them to be faced with each other, pulsating one against the other.
/Doris Mari Demetriadou
/Elpida Fragkeskidou
/Irini Khenkin for Pashies Ltd
/Nicola Joseph
/Mary Stephanis
alternative spaces that interrogate received notions of chronology reconstitute reality by reflecting it. as spatiotemporal frames within society, heterotopias juxtapose in a single real place different spaces and locations which are incompatible with each other.
the event showcases experimentations across mediums that explore ideas surrounding the forms and properties of space, our relationships to it and within it.
zine and artwork fair including work by: Andreas Andronikou, PASHIES LTD, nyx kollektiv, OWK zine, endrosia collective. music curated by nyx kollektiv.
the space adopts the ecclesiastical imagery of endrosia’s first zine which is modelled after aspects of religious life, predominantly within the southern part of cyprus.
as our first official event, 01 presents a multidisciplinary body of work. ranging from faceless figurative movement, the affective state of discomfort, and societal perceptions of embodied gender/sexuality, this exhibition marks endrosia's first step as an artist-run space.

a project by ENDROSIA, Lower Levant Company (LLC) and Haig Aivazian for the Cyprus Pavilion at the 60th International Art Exhibition – La Biennale di Venezia.
a devised performance written, produced and performed at sessions x SPEL, exploring absurdism and slapstick as dramatic forms in the context of 2000s greek media stardom and its cultural impact as experienced through a queer fantasy dreamscape.
a material culmination of a long-term research project undertaken by Gervaise Savvias. in a series of three interconnected experiments conducted over the space of a week, an accumulation of fragmented material coalesces for an archive of locality and Self to emerge; with a fullness of a voice created out of an experimentation with oral histories, community, and curiosity.
noise event in 5 acts, in collaboration with moneda.
at the limits of faces, an unresolvable symmetry circulates, proliferates and further disturbs a still very naive understanding of representation. Because so much depends on it: the face produces value and upholds morality as it both validates us with its familiarity but distinguishes us on the grounds of an individuating procedure.
six stacks of ashes, eight piles of dust marks the first collective exhibition of a long-term research project undertaken by ENDROSIA. the exhibition attempts to establish a biography of Trikoupi 68, informed by reflections on the multiplicity of social realities, as well as spatially coded manifestations of control that coalesce within the streetscape.
roundabout lasso explores themes of suffocation, burden, and failure brought about by the Western understanding of fatherhood as imposed by broken ideals of masculinity. the tie, a symbol of conventionality and corporate ambition, is used to epitomize the daily hardships caused by the performance of these societal roles, and the manner in which they generationally replicate.
endrosia welcomes proposals from practitioners across all disciplines. please get in touch at endrosia@hotmail.com if you wish to exhibit work, submit a pitch, make a contribution, or become a resident.

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website designed by doris mari demetriadou